Throughout most of recorded history, it
seems that people have taken fresh air for granted. However, with the advent of
the industrial revolution, followed by current concerns for indoor and outdoor
air pollution, fresh air has become a more valued commodity. An excellent
article on fresh air was penned some years ago by Dr. Bernell Baldwin. Entitled "Why is Fresh Air Fresh?"92
Baldwin pointed out that fresh air is chemically different than the recirculated indoor air that
most Americans breathe. High quality fresh air is actually electrified. The life-giving oxygen
molecule is negatively charged or "negatively ionized." This negatively charged oxygen
gives rise to a number of benefits as listed in Figure 17: Effects of Negatively Charged Fresh
Air.93, 94, 95, 96, 97,
98, 99
An environment of negatively charged ions truly has remarkable effects. Some of the most
impressive have to do with behavior. Some of the research has centered on animals that were raised
in such a way as to develop the equivalent of human anxiety disorders. When these animals were
allowed to breathe air with an abundance of negative ions they were protected against some of the
physical changes linked to anxiety. Animals exposed to negative ions showed a normalization of
pertinent brain chemistry measurements and did not show any tendency to high blood pressure or
ulcers.100 (In fact, even in animals with no behavioral disorders predisposing them to ulcers,
negative air ions helped to promote less significant ulcer disease including smaller ulcers, less
bleeding and less acid secretion.101)
In studies of children, negative ions have also demonstrated salutary effects. In one study,
normal children and those with learning disabilities showed measurable improvements in brain
function.102 The authors concluded: "Negative air ions are seen to be a tool with potential
theoretical and remedial applications."103
Other research further underscores the fact that fresh�negatively ionized�air helps to keep
our mood buoyant and positive. Baldwin and others cite the Middle Eastern "sharaw" (also
transliterated "sharav") windstorms that bring an abundance of unwanted positive ions with
them.104, 105, 106, 107 During these storms, as many as 30 percent of individuals develop problems
with increased anxiety and suspicion, migraine headaches, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, eye problems,
irritability, respiratory congestion, etc. The positive ions seem to alter brain levels of serotonin,
an important mood-elevating chemical. These hot desert winds rob the air of helpful negative ions.
Negatively charged air is also destroyed by recirculating air in buildings, tobacco smoke, city
smog, and other pollutants. On the other hand, good quality negatively ionized air is found in
abundance in natural outdoor environments, especially around evergreen trees, beach surf, or after a
Researchers have been studying the harmful effects of polluted air on human beings. Their
findings confirm that pollution depletes the air of negative ions. In addition, the common
pollutant, ozone, has been demonstrated to cause eye irritation, shortness of breath, cough,
worsened lung function, and decreased physical performance.108, 109 Worse yet, women living in one
of the nation's most highly polluted regions, the South Coast Air Basin of California, experience
increased risk of cancer in proportion to their total exposure to particulate pollutants.110
Clearly, it behooves all of us to get as much fresh air as possible. When we are overcome by
stress and worry, getting away from our urban dwellings and workplaces seems to promise more than a
change of venue. The medical literature indicates that a drive to the seashore, a local state park,
or other natural setting promises improved mental and physical health as we breathe in the
refreshing fresh air with its abundance of negative ions. Better yet, if it can be arranged, living
in a more rural setting would likely yield the blessing of better quality air as well as other
Figure 17
Improved sense of well being
Increased rate and quality of
growth in plants and animals
Improved function of the lung's
protective cilia
Tranquilization and relaxation
(decreased anxiety)
Lowered body temperature
Lowered resting heart rate
Decreased survival of bacteria
and viruses in the air
Improved learning in mammals
Decreased severity of stomach
92 Baldwin BE. Why is fresh air fresh?
The Journal of Health and
Healing 11(4):26-27.
93 Baldwin BE. Why is fresh air fresh? The Journal of Health and
Healing 11(4):26-27.
94 Duffee RA, Koontz RH. Behavioral effects of ionized air on
rats. Psychophysiology 1965 Apr;1(4):347-359.
95 Jordan J, Sokoloff B. Air ionization, age and maze learning of
rats. J Gerontol 1959;14:344-348.
96 Reilly T, Stevenson IC. An investigation of the effects of
negative air ions on responses to submaximal exercise at different times of day.
J Hum Ergol (Tokyo)
1993 Jun; 22(1):1-9.
97 Mitchell BW, King DJ. Effect of negative air ionization on
airborne transmission of Newcastle disease virus. Avian Dis 1994 Oct-Dec;38(4):725-732.
98 Giannini AJ, Jones BT, Loiselle RH. Reversibility of serotonin
irritation syndrome with atmospheric anions. J Clin Psychiatry 1986 Mar;47(3):141-143.
99 Gabbay J, Bergerson O, et al. Effect of ionization on
microbial air pollution in the dental clinic. Environ Res 1990 Jun;52(1):99-106.
100 Livanova LM, Nozdracheva LV, et al. The normalizing effect
of air ions on neuroticized rats with different typological behavioral characteristics.
Zh Vyssh
Nerv Deiat Im I P Pavlova 1995 Mar-Apr;45(2):402-409.
101 Bordas E, Deleanu M. Influence of negative air ions on
experimental ulcer induced by pylorus ligature in albino rat. Med Interne 1989
102 Morton LL, Kershner JR. Differential negative air ion
effects on learning disabled and normal-achieving children. Int J Biometeorol 1990 May;34(1):35-41.
103 Morton LL, Kershner JR. Differential negative air ion
effects on learning disabled and normal-achieving children. Int J Biometeorol 1990 May;34(1):35-41.
104 Sulman FG, Levy D, et al. Air-ionometry of hot, dry
desert winds(Sharaw) and treatment with air ions of weather-sensitive subjects.
Int J Biometeorol 1974
105 Baldwin BE. Why is fresh air fresh?
The Journal of Health
and Healing 11(4):26-27.
106 Giannini AJ, Jones BT, Loiselle RH. Reversibility of
serotonin irritation syndrome with atmospheric anions. J Clin Psychiatry 1986 Mar;47(3):141-143.
107 Giannini AJ, Castellani S, Dvoredsky AE. Anxiety states:
relationship to atmospheric cations and serotonin. J Clin Psychiatry 1983 Jul;44(7):262-264.
108 Linder J, Herren D, et al. Effect of ozone on physical
performance capacity. Soz Praventivmed 1987;32(4-5):251-252.
109 Neher JO, Koenig JQ. Health effects of outdoor air
pollution. Am Fam Physician 1994 May 1;49(6):1397-1404, 1407-1408.
110 Abbey DE, Mills PK, et al. Long-term ambient concentrations of total suspended
particulates and oxidants as related to incidence of chronic disease in California Seventh-Day
Adventists. Environ Health Perspect 1991 Aug;94():43-50.
The book was named Proof Positive because all the information is
backed up by proof.
Hundreds of bibliographical references to scientific and medical documentation. This copyrighted article is excerpted from Chapter 20 "Beyond the Leading
Causes of Disease" from this health and medical textbook by Dr. Neil Nedley (pages 500-501 and 520-521).
COPYRIGHT NOTICES The information and the images on this web page are reprinted by permission of the author from his book
Positive: How to Reliably Combat Disease and Achieve Optimal Health through Nutrition and
Lifestyle. This information is the
intellectual property of Neil Nedley, M.D. and may not be used, reproduced, stored in a retrieval
system, or transmitted in any other form or by any other means without written permission from the
publisher (Neil Nedley, M.D.; 1010 14th Ave., N.W.; Ardmore, OK 73401). Copyright �1998, 1999 by Neil
Nedley, M.D. All rights reserved.
DISCLAIMER AND CAUTIONS This information does not establish a doctor-patient relationship with
the reader. Persons who are ill or on medication who wish to significantly change their lifestyle
should do so under the direction of a physician familiar with the effects of lifestyle change on
health. Other important information