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Your Source for High-
Density Negative Ionizers, Central UV-C Air Purifiers, and other Indoor Air Quality
Our 28th Year
Our Mission:
To help people
feel better, both physically and emotionally.
Our Motto:
"Take Care of the Customer, and the business will take care of itself"

Mt. Vernon, Missouri
Chamber of Commerce

Appreciative and Experienced Staff
Complete Service
Dependable Quality
Privacy and
Safe Shopping
We Live by Ethics, Integrity, Value and Honesty.
Comtech Research LLC �a
family-run small business located in Southwest Missouri, USA� has been providing
effective Air Quality solutions to thousands of happy customers since 1989.
Helping People is Central To Our
That Means:
1. If one is
manufacturing a product, it must be a very good product. If performing a
service, it must be work very well done.
2. One cannot employ lies, misrepresentation,
trickery or deception in any form whatsoever in either advertising or selling. Engaging
in business means hard work, not smooth talk. For us, honesty isn't just the
best policy, it's the
only policy.
3. We respect your privacy. We highly value
our reputation with our customers, and we will never damage it by
betraying your trust. We are not in the business of selling your personal
information to anyone. Your personal information will only be used for
the sole purpose of filling your order. �
� It is our firm belief that
our 100% satisfaction guaranteed or your money back policy, is the only
way to do business.
� Triple Privacy
Guarantee Details
� |
We Use What We Sell. |
That means everything that is for sale here on
this site. In fact, the
IG-133 series ionizers were originally developed for our own use, with no thought of offering them
for sale to help others. |
What Has Happened to
Ionizing Air Purifiers
Since We Started? |
When we first started you could buy other
genuine negative ion generators.
most of them caused a bad "Black
Wall" problem, due to improper design.
Of the few Genuine, High-Density Negative
Ion Generators that remain available today, they almost without
exception suffer from this problem.
Today, it's hard to choose,
there are so many out there.
How do you choose between
them? Please click here. � |
Our motto has always been "Take Care of the Customer and the business will
take care of itself". And our experience has consistently
proven the soundness of this customer-oriented approach (instead of a profit-centered mindset).
We firmly believe in the negative ion generator products that we offer for sale here; in fact,
our model IG-series negative ion generators were originally developed
by us for our own personal use. (Yes, we still use them. :-)
We now manufacture most of them right here in our own facilities in
the Ozark Mountains in Southwest Missouri, USA. And the offices and
manufacturing facilities have always been located on the same acreage�
that the owners have lived on.
How We Got Started in the Air Purifier Business
Comtech Research first
became involved in building negative ion generators as a result of health
problems experienced by the inventor's wife. Her allergies and asthma became so
severe that he was seriously concerned for her life. All the medicine
she regularly took only helped her breathing to a very limited extent. She then
tried using an expensive "ionizer" that turned out to be just an ozone generator
'thunderstorm in a box') with little or no negative ion output.
The inventor had first heard about negative ion generators when he was in junior high school. So, he started researching the
Internet in the 1990's for additional information about negative ions. With his background in electronics
the other boys were out playing sports, he was in his workshop in his parents' basement building various
electronic circuits), he then decided that he could, and must, construct an
effective negative ion generator himself.
He then draped the bare
electronic circuit of his first negative ionizer over an old wooden wall clock in the living room, where his
sick wife was. Two hours
after turning it on, his wife was breathing noticeably easier. Was it a coincidence? That
was their first reaction; but they had
to find out, so the new ionizer was turned off and on (for various time periods). Yes, there was no
doubt that his wife was definitely breathing much easier now!
So he built a second ionizer, this
time assembling both it and his original unit inside of protective cases.
After several weeks of continued easier breathing, they wondered if other
people with breathing problems might be interested in their negative ion generators. Also being in the
web page design business at that time, they decided to begin offering them for sale on
a web site. The idea was to
enjoy helping people and make enough profit to pay the bills.
To their surprise, they
also noticed that the sunbeam shining through their east window --through the
room and onto the floor-- became almost invisible. Almost NO floating dust
was visible in the air any more, only the spot of sunshine on the floor. That
is what
effective high-density negative ion generators are supposed to do.
An Unexpected Benefit from Negative Oxygen Ions
Three ionizers were finally placed in the living area, bedroom, and office of the old farm house
that they then lived in then. One of the ionizers had been placed near the owner's computer
desk, for a life test. For months, he had not been able to work at the computer for more than a few minutes at a
He had tried a new chair, a better computer monitor, a wrist support, even an expensive ergonomic
mouse and keyboard, and yet nothing seemed to help.
However, shortly after he put this ionizer near where he was working, he realized that he had spent eight hours at the computer with
hardly a break. This was completely unexpected! The negative ions were apparently helping to overcome the
bad effect of positive ions
being emitted by the big computer monitor. (Scientific research dating back to the 1930s has
provided evidence that positive ions can make people tired, irritable, and experience difficulty
thinking clearly.) He had heard that negative ions could improve a person's mood, but had not
personally experienced anything like it until then. Now this was something: not only might
ion generators help people physically, but they might even help improve the mood in the work
environment too.
In the years since then, Comtech Research
LLC has developed improved and new
products and now offer additional brands (all carefully selected and tested) to
meet the air purification needs of many people.
Note that we are not making any medical claims regarding our ionizers (please see the
disclaimer). We are merely
sharing our own personal experiences with them.
Credit Card Payments
through PayPal |
The Ten
Commandments of Good Business (which we strive to meet every single day):
1. A Customer is the most important person in any business. 2. A Customer is not dependent on us - we are dependent on him. 3. A Customer is not an interruption of our work - he is the purpose of it. 4. A Customer does us a favor when he calls - we are not doing him a favor by serving him. 5. A Customer is a part of our business - not an outsider. 6. A Customer is not a cold statistic - he is a flesh-and-blood human being with feelings and
emotions like our own. 7. A Customer is not someone to argue or match wits with. 8. A Customer is a person who brings us his wants - it is our job to fill those wants. 9. A Customer is deserving of the most courteous and attentive treatment we can give him. 10. A Customer is the life-blood of this and every other business.
Comtech Research is located in the Ozark Mountains in
Rural South Central Missouri.
Click here for contact information, office hours,
�telephone numbers, and
mailing address.

Comtech Research
Innovation |

Diversity |
Excellence |