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Comtech Research Air Purifiers and negative ionizers
�Comtech Research
Since 1989
Your Source for Indoor Air Quality

Customer Comments

Testimonials from people who have purchased
our model IG-133- series room ionizer products.

These are ALL unsolicited comments about our ionizers, just as we received them from our customers.

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These are all unsolicited comments about our ozone-free IG-133- series air ionizers.

"You guys are great!� I have two of your [ion] generators, and after 5 years am just replacing the emitter for one of them.� So happy with your generators :-)"
Mr. J.M., San Franciso, CA

"I put the negative ion box in our bedroom and it has been there since. For the past two mornings Jeff and I have woke up with clear heads! No stuffiness! You have my endorsement and it really works! Best wishes and Thanks a lot!"
Mrs. D.S., Cygnet, Ohio

"Thank you so much for your understanding and compassion. You have a dedicated company that solves a serious problem. I have had air quality issues for a long time, beginning with my Dad smoking in the house for the first 18 years of my life. Then most recently I worked in a seriously moldy environment. To survive that job, I ordered the personal air purifier from you. Now I work somewhere else, but my personal air purifier is with me, in my purse everywhere I go. I also recommended that a friend purchase one from you. She did and can now handle the negative air quality situation in her work place, much better. Recently, I received a room air purifier from you and had a great nights sleep the first time I used it! I am delighted! My current living arrangements are much healthier now.

"I feel gratitude that I have no words to express. Also I have enjoyed our brief conversations during the first of which you described your own situation. Knowing you is a blessing.

"Your web site readers may experience this as "over-the-top". I hope not because I have spoken from my heart. When a person can breathe easier, it is life-changing."

Sue from MS"

"I let the unit operate for several weeks with the [SSE] emitter (now in the closet), and then decided to switch over to the [CFE] long-life emitter. The unit continues to do a fabulous job in keeping the air in my office fresh and non-stale. I used to periodically get somewhat low; and sometimes it has been to the extent that I had an unbearable urge to run away and escape from this electronic nightmare --outside to fresh air and a stroll. Now, its actually pleasant to spend time in the office, with this neat and very quiet ionizer."
B.H., Boone, North Carolina

"Thank you for your help! I feel much better now!...I called a few minutes ago. Katie is a is Stephanie...very truly "caring" people. If this is your have a great one...filled with integrity! Thank you so much!!
Mr. Rob G., Burlington, CT

"Dear Sirs,
I have already spoken to you on the phone, however, I would like to make a comment that you could post if you like.

"I recently purchased an ionizer with the dust grabber for my mother who was visiting. Both her and my two older daughters have allergy triggers which were relieved immediately. Upon her return to her house I moved the generator to my bedroom, where even I have noticed a distinct improvement in air quality, even though I have no allergy symptoms. When I initially called to order your product and have it rushed overnight, it was to appease my mom and maybe make her feel better. I was somewhat skeptical and if asked, would have had to waive the 'B.S. Flag'. But, upon using it in my own bedroom, there are no more mornings with a 'scratchy' throat or late night coughing spells in need of a drink of water! You can see the very fine dust particles on the dust grabber as proof of its efficiency. Most people that see it say, What is that?" with a very quizzical expression, and I can't tell them emphatically enough how effectively it does its job. Long story short-I'm converted, convinced and would recommend it to everyone. Even if you don't have any immediate discomforts, you will notice an improvement in the air when you didn't know it needed it!

"Way to go, Guys! Kudos and keep up the good work and great customer service. (It was very refreshing, not to mention surprising, when you remembered who I was even though it has been a couple of months since my purchase)."

Thank you.
Rena D. in Ohio, USA

"I bought 3 units ... I borrowed one to a friend, who has a son with severe asthma, that medication could not correct.
"The mom spent a lot of time in Doctor's appointments and emergency room visits, getting prescriptions filled, and putting her son in the shower at night to breath. It affected his ability to even exercise. The child was 10 yrs old, and sometimes quite miserable.
"She set up a box in the middle of the son's bedroom with the dust grabber on it.
"After using the machine for the last 7 months, the mother said that his medication was down to 1/2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Singular and Zertex are gone for the last 3 months. He is still on Buteroil and steroids when he needs it. (mostly around animals). He can exercise much better.
"She is very impressed and wants to buy the machine from me. Her son happy as can be. The only other thing her son has done is take fish oil, which has some benefit for asthma, but the parents think the machine is the real answer.
"Thanks for your products. Please abbreviate our names.
Lisa L., Minneapolis, for friend Mary H., and son Zeke O."

"Again. I want to thank both of you for your extraordinary customer service! I had begun to think there was no such thing as post sale customer service . You must be the one in a million I have heard about but suspected was just another urban legend.";
Mrs. D.W., Lake Lure, North Carolina

"I first purchased your products over a year ago. They are excellent and unique in the field. I believe that your products are superior in performance to any others I've found or used. I think you'll understand what I mean when I say that your approach is `no-nonsense.` You produce products of the highest efficiency because you will not sacrifice performance for appearance. Your products are certainly not the most `flashy` looking on the market, but as your site reports (and I, myself, have had an opportunity to test) many of the most flashy products don't really `produce` negative ions. So, thank you for both the your products and your integrity."
Mr. Mark G., Hazelwood, Missouri

"It has only been three days since I received your ionizer/dustgrabber and I am amazed. I have always suffered from severe depression but amazingly I am feeling well, better than I can remember. I have used it in my computer room and find I can work for hours, when I forget it I get exhausted and confused. I now carry it around the house with me from room to room. Also, I have a variety of animals here and I have been endlessly living on allergy pills. Today is the first day that I breathed without them. Thank you from the bottom of my heart."
Ms. X.V., Ellington, Connecticut

"Highly recommended. These people care about their customers and it shows! : )"
Mr. J.K., St. Petersburg, Florida

"I am returning this product because it did not meet my needs. However I would like to point out that your Customer Service is outstanding. Your representative was very helpful during the ordering process and very understanding and patient when I inquired about returning this product. Overall I had a positive experience and would consider ordering a different product in the future.
�Thank you for your consideration on this matter."
Mr. A.E., Kenmore, NY

"I received 2 of your Dustgrabber units a few months ago and am happy with them, comments follow.
-I was appalled to see that my bedroom was the dirtiest in the apartment (being next to the parking lot) every time I wipe it off [the IG-133DG collectors] I see black.
-Thanks for the basic detector, it helped me determine that my old ionizer/aircleaners don't compare; the light is on for one but nothing comes out and the other one is weak.! I estimate it took 26 hours from where you are to Canada westcoast, surprising me at work. Thanks, SS"
Mr. Stephen S., Canada

"The two ion machines I got yesterday sure did clean up the air in here! Better than any ionizer I have bought in the past. I have allergies, and I could tell a difference immediately, well, maybe I should say a few hours. The two machines worked even though the square footage you claim they cover is less than the area I actually have. The odor in my apartment is completely gone! And I can breathe better now even without opening a window like I used to. I'm ordering two of your DustGrabbers and a car ionizer. I'd like to resell your ion machines and make a few bucks for myself in the process."
Mr. W.H., Texas

"Fast shipping! Product produces negative ions much better than others I have seen."
Mr. B.A., Loveland, Colorado

"I've used many Ionizers/air cleaners ones that apparently send out very few negative ions which never did anything for me. My doctor recommended yours specifically because of a recommendation of one of his other patients and because he says ones with Ozone are very hazardous."

[ozone comment is only true in high concentrations.]
Mr. R.S., Encino, California

"Last year you donated an IG-133A to my classroom. I am writing to once again thank you and let you know of the positive affects of your unit in my classroom. Due to the typical set up of a classroom I was unable (and unwilling) to place the generator in the middle of the room. The only safe space for the unit to be placed was behind my desk. I immediately felt as though I felt better and the air seemed "cleaner" around my desk. While that could have been somewhat of a placebo effect, I can certainly say that much dust collected in the immediate area of the unit. Of much interest is also the fact that my students always wanted to eat lunch sitting around my desk. This could also be attributed to other factors, however, it is unusual and it has never happened before any of my classrooms. I can only imagine the positive affects that a negative ion generator could have in my classroom if it was able to distribute negative ions over a larger area.
Thank you again."

Mr. R. A.
4th Grade Teacher
Savannah, Georgia

"The 133a [ionizer] is working nicely in the vicinity of my PC with the CFE-2 emitter. Your 133a is my favorite all-time ionizer, having owned 6 different models".
Mr. E.S., DePere, Wisconsin

"Thanks!! I am DELIGHTED with my purchase and you'll be getting more business from me!"
Ms. J.T, Durant, Oklahoma

"I received the units and plugged them in Friday, one here at work and one at home. Already this weekend I had more energy and got a lot done - much more than usual. I slept more, but still accomplished more in the time I was awake."
Mrs. B.D., Overland Park, Kansas

"I wanted to thank you for the promptness of your order and wanted to wait to write you until I had used the ion machine for about a month to get a good feel for if it made any difference in the way I feel. I can definitely say that I wake up with more energy and in general, just plain feel better!!! In fact, so much better that I would really like to have one of these machines with me all the time--do you carry any models that can be used in the car or a model that is easily transported?" [yes we do, here.]
Ms. J.A., Lebanon, Tennessee

"Even in this low-humidity environment, I can definitely notice a change in the quality of air in my apt. I was actually clearing my throat for the first two days the unit was on, as dust and air conditioner "gunk" was cleared by enhanced cilia motion in my throat, besides there being MUCH less fine dust in the air to continue to clog lung tissue in the first place. Yes, the dust is now visible on the unit and I've already had to clean it. That's how bad it is here. I also sleep MUCH better. Good sleep is VERY important to me."
Mr. J.F., Las Vegas, Nevada

"The clip-off wire is a great idea. I've been using ionizers for thirty years, and the pins, no matter how clean they're kept, do wear down. I've lost a lot of money to these things."
Mrs. S.B., Redondo Beach, California

"I'd like to say that I am more than satisfied with your level of customer service. I certainly appreciate the way everything was handled."
Mr. B.T., Shelton, Connecticut

"Dear Sirs, this little unit is very impressive! I can't say I fully understand it's physical properties or principles, however I can say it does remove the odors that were causing absolutely unbearable living conditions in my apartment! Including many sleepless nights.
"I must admit I was very skeptical that this generator could remove the strong second-hand smoke odor created by the smoker living in the apartment below mine, but it did! I placed the Negative Ion Generator in the bedroom (centrally located in the apartment) as high as I could atop my tall dresser. After the first 24 hours there was really no noticeable change... but the second day I noticed a distinct difference, and by the third day - NO odors were distinguishable, NONE! Simply amazing!
"I'm a severe allergy sufferer, taken allergy-shots for years, had asthma since I was very young, and I'm extremely sensitive to second hand cigarette smoke. The smoke odor in my apartment was not noticeable to some people, others could smell it, but to me - it was absolutely unbearable. I didn't want to inconvenience my neighbor but feared I would be forced to move... Your product completely cleared the air in my apartment. My apartment is about 1800 sq. ft. and I cannot smell any smoke (nor anything for that matter) anywhere in the entire apartment. I assure you, when I have the money I plan to order another. Thank you for the product and giving me the reassurance that if it didn't work - I could return it."
Mr. B. F., Richland, WA
� [Note: Please see the FAQ about odors here.]

"The ionizer you sell has been a godsend for me. I love it. Most of my 'morning pain' is gone."
Mrs. A.M., Clarksville, Maryland

"Hi, I received the Negative-Ion generator, I was very impressed with the documentation and the ease of the unit, just plug it in, place the pin thing [ion emitter] in the machine etc.. I have noticed that I have not gotten up every morning with my usual sinus pressure since I started using the generator, and that is great!"
Mr. R.S., California

"I am POSITIVE that these things work. I am a chemist ... I'm sleeping better and have just a general feeling of well-being. Your packaging was marvelous- info about the product, clear concise directions, ion detector. ion emitter. PLUS your website is easy to navigate and very user friendly. Thanks!"
Ms. J.T, Oklahoma

"I was skeptical when I ordered the first one, and said 'we'll see'. My wife no longer wakes up with sinus headaches in the morning, and I don't have that hacking cough. They're doing something. I want to order two more."
Mr. O.S., Missouri

"Well, I have decided then to keep the unit [IG-133A] and recommend you to others. Your prompt and honest replies have been appreciated. I am QUITE relieved to have a neg ion generator again. I feel much better, sleep better and feel mentally sharper. There is NO WAY I would continue to live here in Vegas without one of these."
Mr. J.F., Las Vegas, Nevada

"[You are a] Responsible business, great communication!! and delivered very fast."
Mr. A.F., Asheville, North Carolina

"Prompt, courteous, ion generator as described, breathing better already, Thanks."
Mr. M.F., Indianapolis, Indiana

"I recently sent you my damaged negative ion generator and I have received my replacement unit. I would like to thank you for taking care of the problem in such a quick manner. I would also like to complement your company for sending out the replacement unit on the same day of receiving the damaged unit. ...
� "Again, I thank you for your impressive support."
Mr. F.S., Dallas, TX

"Quick email here to say thank you. My experience is consistent with the many satisfied customers that have posted on your website's Testimonial page.
� My order #... arrived last Friday. Everything arrived in perfect condition and on time. Both generators have been in use, since Friday night.
� The effect is truly incredible. I would have never imagined the mood-lifting, energy-giving effect that has resulted in such a short time. Allergy symptoms improve/disappear, when I am inside at night. The house is a "safe zone" where the affects of Florida's Spring high pollen are not noticeable.
� On Sunday, I relocated one of the units to my parents house, so they can immediately benefit as well. In just one day, they commented on improved sleep, high energy and consistent happy feelings.
� The quality of life in our households has already improved. I am now a negative ion enthusiast. I will be placing another order soon.
� An additional, special thanks to you for the cool, wire loop ion detector. That was a very nice gesture. That simple device works great and shows the impressive field of negative ions around the unit.
� Please express my gratitude for my improved health to the rest of the Comtech team."
Mr. G.C., Palm Beach Shores, Florida

"I was able to breathe without difficulty after it had been running for about two hours, and found I was able to sleep better as well. As an experiment, I let one of my friends, who also lives here at the apartment, come sit on my bed near the generator for about six or so minutes. I hadn't given him too much information about negative ions before hand. He said he, too, could breathe better in my room, that the air didn't feel so heavy and thick with dust.

"After he left, I understood what he was talking about. The dust in this room is so bad that it felt as if there was a very thin layer of sand on my desk. I'm glad I've got a working emitter, now. I try not to think too much about what I was breathing in for the last five days.

"Though I doubt it's necessary, I like this single generator so much that I've thought about getting another. I toyed with the idea of getting the dust grabber and placing it by the generator, but decided, after more research, that you can never have too many negative ions in the room. The only danger is of too much ozone, but the design of the generator is such that it precludes that possibility from occurring. Therefore, I concluded that the IG-133DG would be more practical to have, and it's only about forty dollars more if you add shipping charges.

"I received the [CFE-2 ion] emitter I purchased yesterday, plugged it in to the generator, and away it went. There were instructions that came with it, too, though since I'm blind, I can't read them. It seemed obvious to me, though, and it turned out I was right. I actually think it seems to work better than the SSE emitter, as it seems to generate the negative ions in more of a spherical pattern rather than from eight points along a pre-defined pattern.

"Thanks again for your service and polite response to my previous e-mail, I dream of my next generator!"
Mr. Blake G.

"I'm a terrible ionizer skeptic, because there are so many bad units out there, and yes, I've probably owned at least one of each over the past twenty-odd years.
"I've been using one of your ionizers for about two years now, and wouldn't be without it. It's next to me when I work, and next to me when I sleep. (It travels. Yes, I need a second one!)
"The air stays fresher, and I feel better both physically and psychologically. It's a wonderful piece of equipment.
"I recently read that serotonin levels are increased by negative ion intake, and wonder if, having Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome, I haven't managed to avoid anti-depressants because the air around me stays appropriately ionized.
"Thank you so much for a superior product!"
Mrs. S.A., California

"Thanks, I have received the ionizers and I am delighted. They are [working] right now."
Mr. G.T., Illinois

"The first unit I bought about a year ago is working flawlessly! I need a second one for another room."
Mr. S.B., Spring, Texas

"Thank you for your personalized service and an excellent product."
Mr. J.G., Davenport, Iowa

"Excellent service & amazing generator delivering claimed results. No hype here."
Mr. James W., Amarillo, TX

"I have been using your ionizer for a couple months now, and my allergies are much improved. I really noticed the difference when a guest accidentally squashed the [ SSE ion] emitter wires down to the surface and I unplugged the unit for a few days until I could get around to re-shaping them. My allergies returned with a vengeance, prompting me to make time to fix the emitter! After a day with the ionizer back up and running, I was back to 'better'. I would estimate 'better' to be about an 80% reduction in symptoms, which I find very pleasing."
Mr. D.H., Kent, Washington

"This is my second purchase, I love them. ...after a while my fianc�e noticed a change in my mood even using the `Happy Machine` (that's what we call them) and I think it might have been time to change the wire things. Overall you may notice that I love the product because of my nickname for it (the `Happy Machine`)."
Mr. A.M., Woodside, NY

"Very Fast Shipment! Product works well! Thanks!"
Mr. R.S., Columbus, Ohio

"I want to thank you for making the negative ion generator. I was very skeptical when I purchased one. For the first 3 days, it didn't really do anything and I was very discouraged. But then I suddenly noticed that I was waking up without a stuffy nose. I also noticed that my resistance to allergens throughout the day was stronger! After at least 10 years of not sleeping well due to allergies (no allergy medicine was working for me), I suddenly have amazing relief! I don't know exactly how this thing works or why, but it has certainly changed my life. Thank you very much!"
Mr. P.T., The Colony, Texas

"Thus far, the unit with the long-life [CFE ion emitter] seems to be doing a great job. It's been operating for about 9 1/2 hours now and the air seems cleaner and breathing easier. When I plugged it in I disconnected and removed my Honeywell HEPA air cleaner which only seemed to take up space, make noise, and have no effect on air quality--notwithstanding claims to the contrary. Both my wife and I definitely notice the difference. Cleaner air and a quieter room--what a great trade off. "
Mr. R.W., Newport News, Virginia

"The generator, tester, and emitter arrived yesterday and I'm thrilled !!!
I'm not sure how to test it other than to use it. I did not wake up in
the middle of the night with nostrils clogged with dried blood, which I'm
really happy about. This may take a couple days to really experience
what has improved."
A few days later, she writes:
I could have e-mailed you until you went blind I'm so happy with the ionizer. It seems to improve in effectiveness over time."
Mrs. C.A., Vancouver, Washington

"This is a great product. I already ordered one and was astonished that it actually prevented guests from having allergic reactions to my cat. I'm impressed."
Mr. P.G., New York, NY

"I want to thank you for getting the Ionizers out for me so quick, I received the order in Saturday's mail. I set them up as soon as I received them. About twelve noon I could tell within 30 minutes a difference. Used them all afternoon, still on this morning, I am breathing much better now."
6 weeks later, he writes:
"I am very pleased with the Ionizers. My wife has head aches at night that keeps her from sleeping, I put Ionizer in bedroom it helped some. About 10 days ago I put both units in bed room so far she has not had head aches at night and is sleeping a lot better."
Mr. D.L., Gordonsville, Tennessee

"I received the shipment on Friday. Thanks. I've had the ionizers running since then and noticed an immediate improvement in the quality of the air in my bedroom and study. Wonderful!"
Mr. G.D., Ontario, Canada

"Your negative-ion generator has worked flawlessly! My wife cooks bacon every morning and the fragrance fills the house. Before we bought your neg-ion generator, the house would still smell of bacon when we returned home after work. Now the fragrance (odor to some) is completely gone when we return home from work thanks to your product. Bravo! The one thing that made me try your product is the fact that the emitter can be replaced. My cats had destroyed the emitter on a competitors product and I was forced to throw it in the trash can. Our cats have not damaged the emitter on your product and I am so pleased with the product itself that I am ordering your space-age emitter [CFE]."
Mr. S.B., Spring, Texas

"I appreciate the information on your site, much more informative than the other sites I looked at. Haven't used an ion generator since the early 80's, because it didn't last long. Thanks so much for offering replacement [emitters], too."
J. H., Henryville, Indiana

"The air cleaner really helps in the Bedroom. [My husband] unplugged it during a storm & forgot it, and we both had a rough night. We slept much better last night after it was plugged back in, so a whopping big THANKS."
Mrs. C.B., Lewisburg, Kentucky

"I want to report that so far, this little ionizer that you built for us especially is just wonderful. I don't see any dust anywhere else, really. I clean it off ... with the alcohol. I'm very impressed with it. So I thought you would be glad for that happy report."
Mrs. A.C., Hartville, Missouri

"I am accustomed to order by Internet, I have never dealt with professional company like yours. Thank you again."
Mr. A.A., Saudi Arabia

"I love the new one I bought from you!. I feel much safer -- and happier -- with the one I bought from you! "
Ms. S.A., Redondo Beach, California

"Prompt, courteous, ion generator as described, breathing better already. Thanks."
Mr. M.F., USA

"I put in the old emitter and spread the wires about 1 inch apart. Everything seems good. I asked my daughter if she noticed any difference. She said she didn't know, but she slept until 10 am in the morning. She usually has a hard time sleeping."
Mr. J.D., Van Hornesville, New York

"Thank you for several things:� 1. Products received per your schedule. 2. Products in good shape and as advertised. 3. Within 2 days there was a remarkable improvement in my abode (I'm a smoker). 4. As a test I blew some tobacco ash on my tv screen. Instead of sticking to it, within a few seconds they were flicked back at me (nice touch). 5. I appreciated all the verifications and followup e-mail msgs. I presume this is part of your business policy. If so, it's a darn good one. 6.Some years ago I tried other products from damark that proved to be junk and kept me out of the market for some time. Thanks again for providing a personal touch in this digital world."
"The unit in use is the IG-033 ionizer and it is located 5ft 3in from the video screen. The improvement I noticed is that my breathing is better and that visible dust and smoke particles disappear very quickly. I have forgotten the brand name of the previous ion generator I had, but it had a platform rectangular shape approx 3 times the dimensions of the IG - 033 and was probably twice as high with a full width inlet about one inch high for the full width of the unit. I'm sorry I can't remember more, it's been 5 or 6 years since I threw it out. I will keep our transactions on file for future use. Thank you for your nice response."
Mr. D.T., Silverdale, Washington

"It works great on cigar smoke. House no longer smells like dump fire!!!. I bought one of your ionizers from a friend, he ordered two but found he only needed one to get rid of his cat litter box smell."
Mr. P.V., Port Washington, Wisconsin

"I would like to thank you for the ionizer. It arrived last week and it's working fine. So much so I think I'll need to clean it cause the box is already covered in very fine grey dust. And the other thing I noticed was in the first few days I was really struggling to get up from bed in the morning, but that has changed now for the better. I think in the near future I'd like to order the CF emitters. Until then, my regards."
Mr. G.S., Hertfordshire, United Kingdom

"Bought it for my neighbor. She swears it is a good thing, so thank you."
Mr. A.S., Provo, Utah

"Since placing your ionizer in the room where our cat stays, my visiting son-in-law who is allergic to cats had NO allergic symptoms for the first time. In the past, I vacuumed and cleaned thoroughly before he and my daughter came to stay for a few days, but it didn't help him. It's great"
Mrs. E.M., Bowling Green, Ohio

"I feel so energized! Thank you, thank you, thank you!"
Mr. S.A., Arlington, Virginia

"AWESOME! talk about a good product, fast shipment."
Mr. J.H., Ambler, Pennsylvania

"I need to return the second ionizer I ordered. I got it for the bedroom to help us sleep. Unfortunately, it had the opposite effect*. I'm guessing it was too energizing. Thanks so much for your time and attention. P.S. I've been impressed with how professional your company is. You do a great job of providing good, quality, customer service.
"Thanks for promptly refunding my credit card for the 2nd ionizer I ordered. You asked how close the ionizer was to the bed -- it was actually really close. In fact, I wondered if the saturation of negative ions was too high, since our bedroom is very small.
"Anyway, I wanted to let you know my dad may be ordering one for himself. He and his wife came over for dinner last weekend. He said by the end of the evening, his head had completely cleared!"
Ms. S.R., Bloomington, Indiana

* This lady's comment is unusual, but we're including it here anyway to show that not everyone is helped the same way.

"I want to thank you for the way my return merchandise was handled.
It's nice to know that there are companies such as COMTECH RESEARCH that one can do business with and not have to worry!"
Again -many thanks"

These are all Unsolicited Comments about our IG-133- series room ionizers.

Click here to read testimonial letters from others about the Air Probe Sanitizer ultraviolet whole-house air purification system.

Toll-Free Order Line: 1-866-IONIZER (1-866-466-4937)
Offices: 1-417-452-2237 Monday to Friday 9-5 Central time

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Comtech Research, LLC, Air Purifying & Cleaning Systems & Equipment, South Greenfield, MO

In Business Since 1989

Last Changed 02/05/2016