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Comtech Research, LLC, Air Purifying & Cleaning Systems & Equipment, South Greenfield, MO
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10% Automatic Discount At Checkout,
If your online order total comes to at least $220.00 before shipping

TO ORDER AN ITEM BELOW: Change the "Qty:" in the boxes below to a number greater than zero, then click the ORDER button at the bottom of the page to view the prices.
Enter a quantity for each item below that you wish to order,
Then click on the ORDER button at the bottom of the page.
Ionizer Model




Model IG-133A
Negative ion generator

A very popular negative ionizer. Optimum negative ion output regardless of room humidity.


Our customers
have named this
The "Happy Machine"



Qty: IG-133A (bone)

Qty: IG-133A (black)

Now available in either bone or black.
Bone (off-white)
Model IG-133A negative ion generator (ionizer) - bone color
View product page

Model IG-133A negative ion generator (ionizer) - black color
View product page

Only $164.95 each

Order 2 or more online or with a DustGrabber™ and save 10%: only $148.45 ea.

Our best value standalone room ionizer

Stocked - orders placed before 2PM CST often ship same day

Works fine
in either high or low
room humidity


Model DC-2

Significantly increases the effectiveness of a negative ionizer* for removal of dust, pollen, mold, etc. from the air.

Helps reduce or eliminate the accumulation of dust and dirt on nearby objects or surfaces.

Qty: DC-2

View product page

* Must be used with a
high-density negative ionizer
such as the IG-133A, IG-133DG, or IG-1215.


Only $139.95 each

Order 2 or more online or with an ionizer and save 10%: only $125.95 ea.

Stocked- orders placed before 2PM CST often ship same day



Model IG-133DG
and Negative Ionizer
Combination Unit

Our Best-selling Negative Ionizer

Same features as the
IG-133A and DC-2
DustGrabber™ above, but Combined into one compact unit.

Recommended for areas with higher pollution or smoke

Available in either "Bone"
(Off-White) or Black

Includes long-life, maintenance-free CFE-2 ion emitter at no extra charge.

Qty: Bone IG-133DG

Qty: Black IG-133DG

The "Happy Machine II"
PLUS the DustGrabber

IG-133DG negative ion generator and DustGrabber combo - bone (off-white)
IG-133DG negative ion generator and DustGrabber combo - black
View product page

Only $204.95 each

Order 2 or more online and save 10%: only $184.45 ea.

Stocked - orders placed before 2 PM CST often ship same day

Works fine
in either high or low
room humidity


Model IG-133DGB
Negative ion generator

Identical to IG-133DG above, but with factory-installed ceiling mounting brackets. Two mtg. screws required, not supplied.

Qty: IG-133DGB

Model IG-133DGB ionizer mounted on ceiling (attic door). Mounting screws not supplied, since mounting requirements vary.
View product page

Only $219.95 each

Order 2 or more online and save 10%: only $197.96 ea.

Stocked - orders placed before 2PM CST often ship same day


Model IG-133
Negative ion generator

Our original design, lowest- priced negative ionizer.

Qty: IG-133 Bone

Suitable only if your indoor humidity is always high (approx. 50% or more); Use with DustGrabber™ in any humidity.

IG-133 negative ionizer, our original model. You should select another model such as the IG-133A or IG-133DG if your environment is dry in the winter or summer.
View product page

Only $149.95 each

Order 2 or more online
or with a DustGrabber™ and save 10%: Only $134.95 ea.



Surround Air Multi-Tech Intelli-Pro
PRICE REDUCED - Only $249.
(Was $299.00)


Surround AirTM

Six-Stage Air Cleaner

Odor and Dust Sensors for Automatic Air Quality Control.

Electrostatically-charged plasma cell traps pollutants like a magnet.

Germicidal UV lamp destroys micro organisms.

Air cleaning negative ions are circulated throughout the room.

Powerful yet quiet fan for maximum air circulation.

Qty: Intelli-Pro

Multi-Tech Intelli-Pro XJ-3800 6-stage air cleaner
View product page

Activated carbon filter traps chemicals, gases and odors.

Long lasting, high efficiency HEPA filter 99.97% collection rate.

UV light and negative ion indicator sensors.

Sensors indicate when to replace filters and clean collector grid.

Washable pre filter to collect the larger particles.

$276.66 $249

Stocked - orders placed before 2 PM CST usually drop-ship the next day


Replacement Filter

Qty: Intelli-Pro Filter

IntelliPro Replacement air filter cartridge

Includes Carbon and HEPA filter.
Carbon filter traps chemicals, gases and odors; long lasting, high efficiency HEPA filter.

Only $36.00

Air Quality Test Kit

Test your air for Fungus, Mold, and bacteria with this air quality test kit

Air Quality Tester
What's in your air?

Test for:

  • Mold
  • Bacteria
  • Fungus

Qty: Air Test Kit
Suggestion: Use one kit to test the air before using a new air purifier, and the other kit after.

Mold Test Kits
Test for Mold, Germs, Fungi

Mold test kitMold, Bacteria, Fungus Air test kit
Click to view details

Only $19.95 per
Set of Two
Air Test Kits

In stock - orders placed before 2 PM CST usually ship the same day

Negative Ion Generators that operate from 12 Volts DC

AutoMate AS-1250B-N

Wein® AutoMate®
Model AS-1250B-N

12 volt negative ionizer
For your car or truck

Plugs into lighter socket of your car or truck to help clean and freshen the air with negative ions 

Qty: AS-1250B-N

Long-life Platinum Ion Emitter
Gold-Plated Stainless Steel Grid

AutoMate improved Negative Ion Car Ionizer
View product details

Only $64.95 each

Only $58.45
(10% savings) if your online order total comes to at least $220.00before shipping

IStocked - orders placed before 2PM CST often ship same day


Extra and optional long-life replacement negative ion emitters:

SSE Stainless Steel Wire ion emitter

Spare ion emitter

Stainless Steel negative ion emitter for the IG-133 and IG-133A ionizers. The ion emitter is shown here being plugged into a IG-133A ionizer.

Negative ions are emitted from eight special alloy fine stainless steel wires.

Qty: SS emitter, red

Qty: SS emitter, black

Inserting ion emitter into top of IG-133A ionizer (Of course, the ionizer shown is not included when just ordering a SSE)

Plugs in to top of ionizer as shown.

Extra SSE ion emitters
only $9.95 each

$8.95 each when ordering more than 1 ionizer

In stock - orders placed before 2PM CST usually ship same day


Conductive Filament
negative ion emitter

Made from a high-tech, space-age material that is virtually maintenance-free.

Negative ions are emitted from hundreds of very fine conductive strands.

Long life, high efficiency, and maximum ion output without periodic trimming.

Qty: CF Emitter, Red

Qty: CF Emitter, Black

CFE-2 negative ion emitter installed in ionizer

For use in place of SSE ion emitter above, if desired. Standard emitter for IG-133DG

$29.95 each

$26.95 each when ordering more than 1 ionizer

In stock - orders placed before 2PM CST usually ship same day


Personal wearable travel ionizing air purifier

A302 Air Tamer®
Wearable, Personal
Ionizing Air Purifier

Really works!
Helps eliminate bacteria and allergens in your personal space using negative ions.

Qty: A302


Click here to view product details

Only $99.95

10% off ($89.95) if your online order total comes to at least $220.00before shipping

Stocked - orders placed before 2PM CST often ship same day


High-Efficiency GreenAir™ Air Purifier For Odors.

Green Air Machine

  • Helps eliminate odors in large areas up to 2500 square feet using activated oxygen and negative ions.
  • Produces a breeze of fresh, clean-smelling air.
  • With remote control
  • Made in China

Qty: Green Air Machine™


Green Air Machine air purifier for odors
Click to view product details


Only $443.33

10% off ($399.00)
After Automatic Online Discount.

Drop-shipped from our supplier. Orders placed before 2PM CST usually ship the same day.




Ion SnifferTM

Comtech Research
Ion SnifferTM Ion Detector

  • Sensitive Hand-Held Air Ion Detector
  • Indicates both Negative and Positive Ions in the air
  • There's nothing like it available anywhere.

Qty: IDS-2



Ion SnifferTM

Portable Air Ion Detector
Ion Detector
Click for details



Only $395 (10% Discount) if ordering online or with a room ionizer by phone

Special Order
Bone or Black

The ION Miracle book

The Ion Miracle
Book about Negative Ions

  • Very informative and accurate
  • Includes scientific references
  • Better than The Ion Effect (Now out of print)

Qty: Book(s)

Click here for description

Only $9.95

10% discount if your online order total comes to at least $220.00before shipping

In stock. Orders placed before 2PM CST usually ship the same day.

Air Probe Sanitizer Videos

Air Probe Sanitizer
Ultraviolet In-Duct
Air Purification System

  • Information
  • Installation examples
  • 31 minutes total
  • DVD standard
  • VHS video cassette also available

Qty: DVD


$1.00, Refundable with purchase of Air Probe Sanitizer.

These can be viewed here without having to buy them.

We reserve the right to limit quantities.


Change the "Qty:" in the boxes above next to the items that
you would like to purchase to a number greater than zero,
then press the ORDER button below to view the prices.

All our products that may be purchased online are available above,
Except for Surround Air Replacement Parts.




Solution Graphics

All IG-series ionizers and the AS-1250BN car ionizer come with 1 free IDN-1 ion detector per order


10% Automatic Discount At Checkout
if your online order total comes to at least $220.00 before shipping

Negative ion emitters above are sold only:
  • When ordering a negative ion generator (ionizer)
  • To our previous ionizer customers






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Last modified 06/23/2017

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