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Comtech Research Air Purifiers and negative ionizers
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Ultraviolet-C Air Probe Sanitizer TM
for Commercial Air Purification applications

�Disinfects and Purifies Your Entire Building.
Never clean mold from your system again.

  • Hospitals
  • Office Buildings
  • Health Care
  • Schools
  • Hotels
  • Offshore drilling

The Best Air Purifier We offer.

Original Air Probe Sanitizer central air purification using UV-C light radiation

Ultra-Germicidal UV-C systems
Available Wholesale Here

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Custom Commercial UV-C systems
For large air conditioning
and chiller applications

Custom commercial Air Probe Sanitizers with multiple UVC lamps

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The Original Air Probe Sanitizer is the Finest Ultraviolet-C Central Air Purification System Available Anywhere in the world at any price.

They have been installed in hospitals, medical facilities, commercial buildings, and homes worldwide to purify, freshen, and disinfect the air, and help prevent the spread of antibiotic-resistant diseases by means of the powerful germicidal effect of the intense UV-C rays and hydroxyl ions generated as a byproduct.

The U.S. Standard for Government Buildings requires that "Ultraviolet light (C band) emitters/lamps shall be incorporated downstream of all cooling coils and above all drain pans to control airborne and surface microbial growth and transfer. Applied fixtures/lamps must be specifically manufactured for this purpose." The Air Probe Sanitizer meets these requirements, are specifically manufactured for this purpose, and are installed in government buildings.

Used by the IRS, Veterans' Hospitals, and many other US Government buildings.

A major manufacturer of commercial air conditioning systems installs the Original Air Probe Sanitizer UV-C units in their systems.

Specifications and more information on the Air Probe Sanitizer is on the main UV-C page.

Click here to view a news article about the benefits and cost savings of a UVC commercial installation.

The video has more details. Click here to go to the video page.

Typical Air Probe SanitizerTM HVAC UV lamp system installation in a large commercial building

Typical Commercial installation of model E-1000 Air Probe Sanitizer (tm) on discharge (cold air) side of evaporator coil

� This is a typical commercial installation of two 10-probe Air Probe Sanitizers (model E-1000). The UV-C probes are illuminating the large evaporator coil behind, and the air passing through it, with invisible UV-C germicidal rays. This will keep this coil mold-free and looking brand-new for many years, not to mention that this coil will never have to be cleaned. (see other photo below)

Typical Commercial Installation of
Air Probe Sanitizer Ultraviolet-C Purifiers

Q. "How do I determine the number of germicidal ultraviolet-c lamps (probes) needed?"

A. Rather than placing emphasis on CFM or building size, the determining factors in sizing commercial systems includes the measuring of the Height and Width of the evaporator coil (chiller or other AC cooling coil).
�� For Example, if the cooling coil is four feet wide and six feet high, then an Air Probe Sanitizer six feet long (with one probe per foot) should be installed as near the center of the cooling coil's height as possible.
�� Any cooling coils over four feet in height should require another Air Probe Sanitizer of equal length with at least one probe per foot. (UV lamp spacing can be increased slightly in many new installations in humid areas.)

  • The Determining Factors in Sizing Commercial Building Cooling systems includes the measuring of the Height and Width of the evaporator coil, rather than placing emphasis on CFM,� building size, or AC tonnage/BTU.
  • For example, if the coil is four feet wide and six feet high, then an Air Probe Sanitizer six feet long (with one probe per foot) should be installed as near the center of the coil's height as possible.
  • Any coils over four feet in height should require a second unit of equal length with at least one probe per foot.

Using these guidelines ensures a happy customer every time, unless perhaps there's some extreme case where it is advisable to add more lamps (rarely, if ever). And more lamps (probes) don't hurt a thing, by the way. It stretches out the time between lamp replacement, and is even more effective at destroying odors, etc.

Commercial units use the standard 8" probes spaced at 12" intervals. In rare cases where the cooling coil is over a foot thick, or in smoky restaurants, a 6 to 8 inch spacing may work better.

The probes (lamps) should be generally be mounted pointed down (sockets up), nearly parallel to the evaporator coil, on the cold air side of the coils. Example photos are below.

The most common question we get asked is, How many lamps vs. the square footage of the building being treated? Even others plainly state that that's just not the way to figure it. Sometimes they have an airflow CFM rating that they use, but in 99%+ cases, nobody knows that, anyway. Of course, you need enough lamps to do the job, but it's really simple.

Sizing the number of UV lamps to the dimensions of the evaporator coil kills several birds with one stone, as the saying goes. Of course, the evaporator coil dimension is somewhat proportional to the AC tonnage. And you need enough lamps to illuminate the entire coil and condensate pan. To our knowledge, by using those guidelines, there's never been anyone who wasn't delighted with their air quality improvement after the installation of the Air Probe Sanitizer.


Superior Ultraviolet-C lamps, High-purity quartz envelope, specific coated, sealed gas. Easy tilt-in locking 4-pin socket mounting.

253.7 Nanometers (Germicidal).
View comparison

11 watts (11,000,000 uW @ 253.7 nm., per 8" lamp.

A clear protective coating on the inside limits the depreciation of the useful UV-C radiation output. Virtually unaffected by the low temperatures typically found inside an air conditioner.

8" probes, per probe: 5378 uW per sq. CM @ 6" from EACH lamp.

NON OZONE PRODUCING: The glass filters out the 185 nm ozone- forming line.

120 volts, 220 volts, 240 volts, or 277 volts AC 50-60 Hz
18 watts per lamp
(single phase)
Fuse protected and switched

Aluminum extrusion with 1" flanges on each of two sides, for support and mounting.

Solid-state electronic programmed start. Input current automatically adjusts to any input voltage between 120 and 277 volts.

For a small motel or hotel room unit, and some small apartments/townhouses, a single probe Air Probe Sanitizer does the job.

Here is another view of the Air Probe Sanitizer installed in a commercial building in Florida.

Custom mounting bracket packages like the one shown here are available. This one uses the same strong, lightweight aluminum extrusion as the Air Probe Sanitizers are made from, but any rigid framework made from Unistrut, Globe-Strut, Metal Lumber, etc. will work as long as it does not significantly interfere with airflow.

Commercial installation of Air Probe Sanitizer - two E-1000's on cold air (discharge) side of evaporator (cooling) coil

Note the simple, easy electrical connection to the end of the Air Probe Sanitizers in the photo.

  • Only one cable is used to power the each unit.
  • Inferior commercial units may use multiple 1- or 2-lamp residential units. The result is often an electrician's nightmare and a costly, ineffective installation.

Commercial Quantity Discounts Available.
Prices are based on the total number of ultraviolet lamps (UV probes), rather than the length of the aluminum housing.


Please Contact Us with the Width and Height of your cooling coil(s).� A knowledgeable person will contact you with recommendations, assistance, and pricing.

You may also include:

  • The main reason(s) that you are considering an Ultraviolet-C air purification system
  • The state you live in (is it very humid there?)
  • Photos of the cold air (downstream) side of your evaporator or chiller coil, and its surroundings.
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    Comtech Research, LLC, Air Purifying & Cleaning Systems & Equipment, South Greenfield, MO

    In Business Since 1989

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